Thursday, March 27, 2014

selfies are tough

They are. It's hard to take flattering pics of yourself especially when the lighting is bad and your kids keep sliming the mirror.

I'm not a big fan of selfies...they scream "look at me!"...attention I don't crave or seek. So these pictures are tricky. Where do I look, how should I stand, smile or no smile, where does my other hand go? I really don't like to do it. But I like blogging and sharing so I'm practicing...clicking away.

Some outtakes:

The intake:

Lands' End Winter Hat (Company Store...back when I was an "active" seasonal employee and could shop any day *sigh*) $0 (Merry Christmas from the rents)
Cutest Fingerless Gloves Ever (knitted by Boo:) $0
Lands' End Jean Jacket (Friends and Family Sale) $5
Lands' End Anchor Sweater (Warehouse Clearance Event...are you coming yet?) $7.50
Piper & Blue Leggings (Goodwill) $3.99
Lands' End Canvas and Rubber Rain Boots (Friends and Family Sale) $10
Outfit Total: $26.49

$$$ I had no idea how much Lands' End I wore until I started this blog! I promo for them almost LE call me!;) $$$

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy: WIWW.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

throw away germs or save a tree

I've been gradually moving towards more natural cleaning since I started having littles. I scrub the tub with vinegar and baking soda, steam clean the floors, deep clean the kitchen with vinegar, scrub grout with baking soda and essential oils, etc. But still I use 20 select-a-size paper towels and a chemical cleaner to clean the bathroom. I like throwing the germs away. Yet, every time I see the mountain of paper towels in the trash I feel a little sick. But...I really like throwing the germs away.

This Monthly Clean Home Challenge got me thinking about microfiber cloths and how I could use them with a 50/50 water vinegar solution to clean the bathroom. So much more environmentally friendly. But...then I'm not throwing away the germs. Not only that, I have to figure the best way to launder the germy cloths. Hmmm.

I think I'd have to do a separate load. That's ok because quite frequently I have  laundry that involves some kind of bodily fluid. In fact, we have a separate wash machine for such loads (weird but true). The story goes, our washer took a pooper right before our third little arrived. A newborn and no washer is horrifying. Imagine my gratitude when we got a HE toploading washer as a baby gift (We have very, very, very generous family!). Before my husby returned to work from paternity leave, he fixed the old washer. Perfect! It was declared the work clothes and germy stuff washer. Sometimes I feel like The Duggars!

Ok, seperate load...settled. But where do I store the nasties out of littles' reach until I've got enough to make a load?  There's always this method:


Hmmm, again. I like it; it's pretty, but I'm not sure I have the space for it (We have a pedestal sink so no vanity storage.) 

It's time to trade in the excessive bathroom cleaning paper towels for a more environmentally friendly method. If anyone has suggestions, I'd really love to hear them! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

i'm rich

Chances are you are, too.

I recently added this RICH bracelet to my jewelry collection.

I love it when fashion has meaning beyond "cute" or "cool". Without context this bracelet seems conceited, I'm sure. But the meaning...oh the meaning is so good. Check it out (video entitled "Strapped by Desire" 2/23/2014)

Lands' End sample blouse $4
Lands' End Straight Leg Jeans (Warehouse Clearance Event...are you getting the memo?) $5
Lands' End Blakeley Riding Boots $110 (I'm not afraid to pay good money for good shoes, good handbags, and good sweaters.)
Devan Chunky Chain Bracelet (Nordstom, sorry sold out) $3.97
Vintage Men's Selfwinding Watch (Grandpa's throwback) $free
Outfit Total: $129.97

Linking up with WIWW.

Friday, March 21, 2014

point it out

I've been doing Weight Watchers for almost two years. I've been lucky enough to loose and keep off 60 pounds. Although my diet has changed, I wouldn't say dramatically. My portion sizes are different, of course, and I've learned a thing or twelve about how to make food I want to eat with points I can "afford". I thought you might like to hear a bite about how (pun intended).

Someday, when I get the cajones I'll share before and after pics. For now, here's what lunch looks like today.

1 serv. Garden Veggie Straws-Honey Mustard 3 pts
(They're crazy good, you should buy some. Welcome.)
Misson Carb Balance Tortilla 2 pts
4 thin slices turkey 1 pt
3T leftover Vegetarian Chili 3 pts
Dove Dark Chocolate square (not pictured) 1 pt
Meal Point Total: 10

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

check out the men

Thrift Tip: Check out the Men's Department. Women's designer jeans are sized such that they end up in the men's section (27, 28, 29, 30, etc.). Graphic t-shirts are always incorrectly sexed as well as classic sweaters. Try it; I promise you won't be disappointed!

Kid Tip: Just because you signed up for it doesn't mean every Wednesday at 10:15 a.m. is a good time for story hour at the library. Sometimes staying home and reading your own books makes a better day for everyone.

Life Tip: Patience often builds appreciation. Try to embrace the wait.

Monday, March 17, 2014

happy st. patrick's day!

My husband is 50/50 Irish-Norwegian so we celebrate St. Patrick's Day pretty loud. Yesterday we had the fams over for linner (lunch/dinner). I am no cook or baker, but I nailed these recipes the first time. All FOUR of ONE DAY! That's a lot for this mama. So feel the sun and wind on your back (or however that Irish proverb goes) and crockpot on, Laddies!

Crockpot Irish Cream Coffee
Slow-Cooker Corned Beef and Cabbage
Beer Bread
Blarney Stone Cookies

Vintage Lands' End Hooded Half-zip (Goodwill) $3.99
Old Navy Trouser Jeans $20
St. Patty's Necklaces $free (past party favor)
Outfit Total: $30.99

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

keep it real

Not every day can be fashionable...sometimes there are sick littles to take care of. This winter has been full of sick days. Many have looked like this.

And this.

Door Co. Sweatshirt (yearly purchase) $40ish
Old Navy Pointelle Shirt $? (it's a million years old)
Lands' End Sweatpants (Bargain Nook - Mineral Point) $7
Outfit Total: $47ish

You're wondering about the blue barf bed, aren't you. It's the Kid's Aerobed and I should've bought it years ago! I originally purchased it from Target ($49.99 on sale) to use on vacay in Door County but after using it to sleep a sick kiddo I quickly realized vinyl is much easier to wipe clean than...well, practically anything! Why did I not have this 12 flus ago?! If you have kiddos who don't make it to the bathroom then the cost of a barf bed is a wonderful investment in your sleep (cuts clean-up time considerably). Just be sure the top of the bed is wipable and not flocked...yucka!

Friday, March 7, 2014

goodwill hack

Sometimes I buy something before I thoroughly inspect and evaluate it. Although I don't recognize the tag on this shardigan (it's like the blardigan as named here, but different), it looks expensive...and organic! I put her in the cart and paid without another thought.

At home I realized it's cut funny across the shoulders and didn't stay on properly. I imagine that's why it ended up at Goodwill. I spent too much time figuring out how I wanted to wear it: closed by draping it, and fastening it, to opposite shoulders. I bought and sewed on hook and eyes but still wasn't  happy. Enter Boo (aka Mom:). I handed it over ready to write it off but she knew better. Swapping the front hook and eye with a cool, vintage button was genious!

shardigan hack $3.99 (Goodwill)
Old Navy Perfect Tee (tall...I have strangely long arms) $7ish
Lands' End Canvas Cords $5 (Warehouse Clearance really should go)
Crochet Flower Bib Necklace $10 (Maryanka Studio)
Outfit Total: $25.99

Thursday, March 6, 2014

leg warmers

They're purely practical...the fashion factor is a bonus.

I'm freezing any time it's less than 65 degrees outside, as in nine months of the year.

I have long underwear on under my leggings in this pic. 
I'm serious.

Those cute slippers on my feet are actually winter boots I wear inside all day, every day for six months of the year. Then I switch to my medium-warmth slippers. And finally, my light-weights.

I sleep with the electric blanket on when my husband isn't home (and sometimes when he is...shhhhh!).

sweater leg warmer tutorial here

Men's Lands' End Drifter Crew $5 (Warehouse Clearance should go)
Shade Clothing polka dot shirt $5
Piper & Blue leggings $3.99 (Goodwill)
sweater leg warmers $0 (gift from mom...sweater purchased at Goodwill for likely $3.99)
Outfit total: $13.99

Sunday, March 2, 2014

word of the year

Last year's word, too.