Monday, June 30, 2014

MACKanese monday: Soyler & Dovaden

Hello, MACKanese monday!

Two weekends ago we had a wonderful visit with my oldest soul sister (by oldest I mean "known the longest" (welcome Betz;)) Betzy, and her family: husband Aaron, son Hayden, daughter Sawyer. We do not see these beautiful people often enough. Our visit the time before the last was a year ago, shortly after which Sawyer declared she would be marrying Mack. Love her spunk! And so did my boys. Not only did they spend hours over that year talking about Hayden's FERNISHERAL ninja moves but they recalled their new love, "Soyler". I tried several times to correct them all. Gray caught on but Mack and Donovan couldn't make the switch. On this visit, whether she minded her new name or not wasn't apparent but, either way, some sweet karma came 'round when she started calling Donovan "Dovaden". And on this visit I think Soyler favored Dovaden a bit more than Mack. Thank goodness Mack didn't notice. ♥


1. A precious four-year-old girl who will some day be my daughter-in-law.
2. Yes, please.
3. I really do hope so.

Mack: "Mama, I wanna go to Hayden and Soyler's house today.
Dovaden & Gray: "Me, too!!!"
Me: "So do I guys but they live three hours away so it's not always so simple to get there.
Dovaden: "But I really wanna gooooo!"
Gray: "Mom, just call Auntie Betzy..."
Mack: "...and ask her for a *batation."
Me: "Lucky for us, we always have an invitation to see these friends. I promise we'll go again very soon!"

Oh yes, yes we will! Thanks, for a truly lovely visit!

*two for one:

1. A written or verbal request for me to bring you my chaos littles.
2. You must really love us.
3. A lot.

Friday, June 20, 2014

friday finds

I'm an internet window shopper. I rarely click the "checkout" button unless I reeeally need it AND have read many positive reviews. Often, my Nordstrom shopping bag totals over $1,000 (it's easy to do when you're not really gonna buy it all...or any of it;), mostly sale items priced 50% off or better. These items sell out fast, helping me steer clear of bankruptcy (I'm slow to click checkout because I'm reading reviews...even with what I might buy!).

Although it's not the only place I buy new from, I like Nordstrom because they offer free shipping both ways and returns are picked up at my house by my postal person (I'm so PC). Here's what I found at Nordstrom this week:

Pattern Suede Bucket Bag $34.99: great price as it's real leather.

Braided Strap Eyelet Hem Tank $18.90: window shopping is fun because you don't have to worry about what bra one would wear with this.

Open Pointelle Knit Pullover $14.97: perfect for cool summer nights. (Peach sold out before I posted.)

Stripe Espadrille $23.96: matches the peach sweater.

Bull Semiprecious Stone Necklace $20.98: adds a pop of color to any outfit.

Paisley Print Skinny Jeans $32.16: these may be terrible on...but, they may not be. trying is FREE!

Outfit Total: $145.96...ouch!

Can someone please tell me how to be one of the cool bloggers who puts the pics of the items in their posts?! This sounds easy but an hour and a half do my time wasted says it isn't.

Monday, June 9, 2014

MACKanese monday: phlone

Welcome back to MACKanese monday! (Repetitive.)

It's time for MACKanese monday! (Well, duh.)

It's monday, let's get MACKanesed! (Say what?!)

Hello, MACKanese monday! (Simple. Clean. Effective.)

Mack said the cutest word this weekend. It was his version of "hangnail". The timing was perfect as I didn't feel like I had a super-great MACKanese word to share today. So, I tucked it in my memory and went back to planning my own surprise party...'cause that's how bad my memory is! I could plan my own surprise party...fir reals. (Shout out to Amanda for the funniest fb post of the week!)

All I can retrieve is "something-bone". Fingerbone? Nope. Wigglebone? Nope.

I am so mad at me! What is my problem! I know better; write the cuteness down immediately! Oh, fewey.

Thanks to my amazing brain power this monday's MACKanese is:


1) phone
2) of the cellular variety
3) the littles know no other

Mack: "Mama, your phlone is's Daddy!"

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

dear cashmere:

I have fallen in love with you and shall never be the same. You have ruined me. Cotton and Wool are ticked.

Forever Yours,

*Forever 21 Floral 3/4 Sleeve Blouse (Goodwill) $3.99
Mossimo Distressed Jeans (Goodwill) $6.99
Lands' End Cashmere V-neck Cardi (hand-me-down from Boo who bought it for $5 at LE Company Store!) $0
Merona Nude Flats (Target-BOGOHO) $15
Outfit Total: $25.98

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for WIWW.
*I think I know why this shirt ended up at Goodwill; it is NOT sliming. See how much better it looks with the (cashmere♥) cardi?! I'll probably never wear it solo again.

Monday, June 2, 2014

MACKanese monday: lema samwich

Welcome back to MACKanese monday!

About a year ago, Boo and I made an impromptu trip to Target with the littles...all three, I think. We stayed longer than expected and were caught without lunch. Up until this day, Mack ate PBJs every lunch and dinner since toddlerdom.

Me: "Boo, it's almost lunchtime...should we boogie home or stop at Culver's?"
Boo, Gray, Mack, Donovan: "Culvers!!!"
Me: "Yah, I know but we don't have a PBJ for Mack. He can't just eat fries amd ice cream for lunch."
Mack: "I love ice cream!"
Me: "I know, Mack, but..."
Boo: "You're sure he won't eat a grilled cheese?"
Mack: "I wanna go to Culver's!"
Me: "Mack, will you eat a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch then?"
Mack: "No; I only want peanut butter jelly. But I wanna eat at Culver's"
(This is when I realized I should have spelled "C-U-L-V-E-R-S" instead of speaking aloud the name of the holy land of ice cream...custard, technically.)
Me: "I understand, Mack, but I didn't bring a peanut butter jelly with us."
Boo: "Mack, will you eat a grilled cheese for Grandma Boo?"
Mack: "No. Please, can we go to Culver's?"
Me: "Nice manners, Mack. I understand you want to go to Culver's but that's a dilema."
Mack: "Yah, I can eat that."
Me, Boo: "Eat what?"
Mack: "A lema."
(Five second pause while we try to decifer what he said.)
Me: "A what, Buddy?"
Mack: "A the Culver's."
Me: "Do you mean a dilema?"
Mack: "Yah! A lema samwich! At the Culver's! I could eat that, Mama!"

And so, the lema samwich was born. And don't you know, he ate the whole darn thing!

lema samwich
/lemə sam·wiCH/

1. A grilled cheese sandwich.
2. Preferably from the Culver's.
3. Often accompanied by french fries and ice cream...err custard, whatever.