Welcome back to MACKanese monday!
About a year ago, Boo and I made an impromptu trip to Target with the littles...all three, I think. We stayed longer than expected and were caught without lunch. Up until this day, Mack ate PBJs every lunch and dinner since toddlerdom.
Me: "Boo, it's almost lunchtime...should we boogie home or stop at Culver's?"
Boo, Gray, Mack, Donovan: "Culvers!!!"
Me: "Yah, I know but we don't have a PBJ for Mack. He can't just eat fries amd ice cream for lunch."
Mack: "I love ice cream!"
Me: "I know, Mack, but..."
Boo: "You're sure he won't eat a grilled cheese?"
Mack: "I wanna go to Culver's!"
Me: "Mack, will you eat a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch then?"
Mack: "No; I only want peanut butter jelly. But I wanna eat at Culver's"
(This is when I realized I should have spelled "C-U-L-V-E-R-S" instead of speaking aloud the name of the holy land of ice cream...custard, technically.)
Me: "I understand, Mack, but I didn't bring a peanut butter jelly with us."
Boo: "Mack, will you eat a grilled cheese for Grandma Boo?"
Mack: "No. Please, can we go to Culver's?"
Me: "Nice manners, Mack. I understand you want to go to Culver's but that's a dilema."
Mack: "Yah, I can eat that."
Me, Boo: "Eat what?"
Mack: "A lema."
(Five second pause while we try to decifer what he said.)
Me: "A what, Buddy?"
Mack: "A lema...at the Culver's."
Me: "Do you mean a dilema?"
Mack: "Yah! A lema samwich! At the Culver's! I could eat that, Mama!"
And so, the lema samwich was born. And don't you know, he ate the whole darn thing!
lema samwich
/lemə sam·wiCH/
1. A grilled cheese sandwich.
2. Preferably from the Culver's.
3. Often accompanied by french fries and ice cream...err custard, whatever.
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