Tuesday, April 1, 2014

still sweater season in WI

Yesterday was a balmy 62°.  Today the high will be 30° and it's ca-razy windy. The weather this time of year is a tease...annoying. Yesterday, birds and people were whistling spring songs while they frolicked outside. Today the same people and the trees are groaning, loudly protesting the return of Wisconsin's perpetual winter. Forget about the spring leggings and ballet flats you wore yesterday; today we're back to sweaters and Uggs 'round these parts.

Shawl Sweater (brand unknown - Goodwill) $3.99
Lands' End Pleated Boatneck Longsleeve Shirt (Company Store) $5
Old Navy Tami (in tall for added length) $5
Distressed Decree Jeans (JC Penney) $11
Outfit Total: $24.99

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for WIWW.


  1. cute. i love the sweater...great deals!

  2. Renee S. has decided she won't wear winter boots anymore and has been wearing sandals to work all week. Brrrrr!
